For those adults who are new to the Lutheran faith, have never been confirmed, are coming from a different faith background, or who are looking to review the teachings of the faith – Pastor Josh teaches a Foundations of Faith class. It’s an 8-week class that covers all the basics of the Lutheran faith as found in Luther’s Small Catechism. It emphasizes the distinctions between Lutheranism and the other religious backgrounds of those in the class. The class often culminates with people becoming members of Trinity through Adult Confirmation or Profession of Faith. The class is offered periodically when needed. Talk to Pastor Josh or fill out form for more information.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Starting in April, Pastor Josh will be teaching an 8 week Foundation of Faith class that covers the basics of the Lutheran Faith. This will serve as an adult new member class. Everyone is welcome to join. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Josh or email the church. |